The "I Spy" Bag
Hello! I have a couple more homework bags to share with you. One of them is the "I Spy" bag. It has some "I Spy" books to read, a magnifying glass, and an "I Spy" bottle activity. I filled a bottle with colored sand and several small objects. I took a digital photo of all the objects and made a chart with photos of the individual objects. The children can use a dry erase marker to 'x' off the items as they find them. This is a fun homework bag!
The Science Bag
The next couple of photos are of my "Science Bag." This is based on Dr. Jean's Scientist of the Week idea. The bag has several books with ideas for experiments. I have a journal for the children to record their experiment and results. I do not have them do the experiment for the class, we just read about what each person did as they return the bag. I also have a white men's shirt to use as a lab coat and goggles in the bag.