School is keeping me about you? September can be a tiring month for students and teachers! I wanted to share a couple more of my homework/literacy bags with you. This is my "Feed the dog a bone" bag. The objective of the bag is to practice sight words. Each sight word is written on a dog bone. The children spread out the words on the floor. If a child can read the word, he/she moves it into the dog dish. Pretty simple, but a fun way for children to practice sight words. I got the cute dog dish at the dollar store! If you'd like to download the parent letter, click on the image below and save it to your computer. (I have updated you can save the image vs. downloading it from google drive...for some reason, it just wasn't working well that way!!)
The next photos are of the "Sports Bag." The photo on the left shows the bag's contents: reading buddy, directions, class book (children write about their favorite sport), Take Me Out to the Ballgame, and opposites matching game. You can see the game in the close up on the right. The bag is sewn out of soccer ball fabric. Love it! I really enjoy putting everything together to make these bags! And the children love to check them out as "homework."