Hello! It's been quite a while since I've post on this blog! I've got a cute idea to share with you for The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Where to begin....I've never actually done a tutorial post,
but I took some pictures while I was making this, so hopefully it will help!

Here's a picture of the finished product. It is a caterpillar, with a pocket on the front so the children can put in the items the caterpillar ate. First, I printed out the sequencing pictures
here. You could make each item out of felt, but that takes a lot of time...and this way, if something gets lost, it's easy to print out another one. I laminated the pictures for durability.

I cut 2 pieces; the larger one is for the back. I topstitched along the front to give the impression of the segments of the caterpillar's body. (You wouldn't have to do this, I just thought it looked nice.) Then I put the top and back together and stitched all around the edges. You could use fabric glue for this if you don't sew. I used a shiny, silver metallic thread. It gave my sewing machine a few problems, but I liked the way it looked, so I kept on going! I also topstitched around the face.

I cut some wings out of pink felt and just glued a variety of colored circles on them. I think I'll add a strip of velcro to the wings so the children can attach them to caterpillar's body. I decided to stitch around the edges of the wings, too. I glue the head to the body, added the antennae and face. I like the wiggly eyes; gives it some character!!

Here is a better picture of the finished project, along with the sequencing cards. I think this turned out pretty cute! I want to sew (I just love to sew!) a cute fabric bag to keep everything in, along with a copy of the book. Thanks for looking!