
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Space Bag!

It's been a little while since I've shared a homework/literacy bag idea with you...since I am getting my bags ready to go for the new school year, I thought you might like to see my "Space Bag."
This bag has several books about space and a few fun space themed activities.  (I'm pretty sure I originally downloaded the "Race in Space" and tic tac toe game from Musings of Me, but I don't know if her printable units are still available.) I made the memory game using planet stickers. I printed pictures of the planets and made stars to match the planet names. And, of course, I have a cute bag to keep it all together!
This is one of the few bags that does not have a writing or pencil-paper activity in it...but that makes it easy when it's returned to do a quick check and make sure all of the items are there. No paper work to replace, so it's ready to go for the next person. Have a great day and thanks for checking in!