
Monday, April 16, 2012

Bug Catcher Link

Hello! It feels like it's winter again in our backyard....only in the 40's today and very windy. There were a couple of schools in northern MN that had a snow day today! Hopefully tomorrow will feel more like spring again.  I wanted to share this awesome activity with you I found on this great blog: A Differentiated Kindergarten. If you haven't visited it, take a minute to do so. She has great ideas and shares a lot of information on differentiation. I printed her free bug catcher sensory table activity and my students started using it today. They loved it! I found a cute red container at the dollar store and bought some left over orange Easter "grass" (the shredded paper kind). I glued some foam bugs on clothes pins for the kids to catch the rhyming bugs.

I think they like digging through the paper to find the bugs! : )  Thanks for checking in...even though this is not my original idea, it's fun to share links with such great may inspire you!