
Saturday, March 31, 2012

E is for Elmer and Eggs!

Hello! We worked with the sound of short /e/ this, of course, we had to read's one of my favorite books for letter "Ee."Usually, I have the children make a patchwork elephant to look like Elmer. This year, I decided to let them create their own elephant. I love the picture in the book where each of the elephants "dressed up" in honor of Elmer. They turned out really cute! I also gave them the option of making Elmer, if they wanted. I'm going to hang these up with the caption "Cherish what makes you unique!"
We also painted Easter eggs...we have all next week off for spring break, so we didn't have a chance to complete a lot of Easter activities. We will catch on them when we get back. Don't these eggs look beautiful? Each child painted two; we cut them out and glued them back to back to hang up in our classroom.
Thanks for checking in and have a great weekend!