
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Addition Quilts

We've been working on addition in math... so thought I'd share a little activity we did to incorporate addition along with letter "Qq." 

I found this on Make Learning Fun (under the theme 'quilts'). The children added the numbers and colored accordingly.  

Here is the final product...hanging on our bulletin board.  Thanks for checking in and have a great day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lent begins tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will begin Lent by attending Ash Wednesday Mass. We practiced today! I used this awesome lesson from Faith Filled Freebies.  Here are our Ash Wednesday pictures:

I also wanted to share a picture of our prayer table for Lent. This picture of Jesus was on a calendar. I put it in a frame and use it every year. I love how it shows that Jesus was worried or maybe sad, reminding the children of His great love for us as we prepare for Easter. It is a sharp contrast to the other pictures I have for our prayer table.

Thanks for checking in and have a great evening!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Jello Play it a try!

Hello! We are working on decomposing numbers in the teens....I saw this idea on A Differentiated Kindergarten (so many great ideas on her blog!) and loved the idea of  the children using play dough and ten frames to make groups of 10's and 1's. I made some work mats and tonight I made the play dough to go along with them. 

I tried the Jello play dough recipe found here
(I added yellow food coloring because it was a little pale...but it smells great! )

I also made the lime version.

Here it is, in use by the students:

They also completed these 10 frame activities:
 I believe I've written about these in previous the shamrock that matches the 10 frame and "Tennis Shoe 10 Frames."

Thanks for checking in and have a great evening!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Looks like a snowflake

Wanna try making this beauty?? Follow this link for the chart. I used size 10 thread....I think...I get a lot of crochet thread at the thrift store that doesn't have labels, so I'm not 100% sure... So fun to see the pattern come to life after a few rounds. This one is mostly double and triple crochet with chains in between. Enjoy!