Saturday, August 22, 2009
Birthday Bag
Every child has the chance to take home the "Birthday Bag."
The bag includes these items:
*Birthday Reading Buddy: Isn't this thing cute!! When you push the button on its hand it sings "Happy Birthday."
*Birthday books to read and share at home
*Class book--each child adds his/her name to the correct month. (For example, if my birthday is in September, I write my name on the Sept. page.)
*Class book: Each child draws/writes about how he/she celebrated his/her birthday
The bag is sewn out of red fabric and measures about 15 x 16 inches.
Line Leader and Birthday Vests
Hello! Today I'd like to share something I do to help children feel unique and special. : ) Everyday I have a line leader and calendar helper. I post a list of the children and we go down the list; for example, "Mary, John, Suzy, David, etc." When we come to the end of the list we start all over. It is predictable, the children know when their turn is coming, who will be line leader tomorrow, etc. As I mentioned, the line leader is also calendar helper for that day. The line leader of the day gets to wear this special blue vest. How fun is that! They love it! Other adults often comment to the child, "It must be your special day."
I also have a "Birthday Vest" the children get to wear on their birthday. It's purple/green. If they happen to be line leader on their birthday, then they can choose which vest to wear that day. It's just another fun way to make children feel special and give them a little *perk* for the day. I love to sew, so I made these 2 vests, but you could probably use any special kind of jacket or clothing item you choose if you don't have a vest.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Religion Learning Center
Dramatic Play: Dress Up Suitcase
Hi! Today I am posting a photo of my dramatic play area "dress up suitcase." I have a very small classroom--I don't know for sure what the square footage is, but we are located in a high school. The elementary and high school classrooms are the same size. I have to be very creative about using every inch of space wisely! I put my dress up clothes in an old suitcase; the kids dress up and put all items back when finished. I have also posted a photo of the sign on the front of the suitcase. (Like many other teachers, I LOVE the D J Inkers clip art and use it all of the time.) I will post more pictures of the dramatic play area another day. : )
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Felt Birthday Cake for Take Home Bag
Hello again! I have several "Take Home Bags" in my classroom. I thought this felt cake would be a fun addition to my "Birthday Bag." I sewed it out of felt then cut out a bunch of shapes with my Sizzix for the children to use to decorate the cake. I think it turned out pretty neat! I looked at several felt cakes on the internet and kind of used all of the ideas to come up with my own. It is pretty simple...and I think they will enjoy using it. I plan on sharing more of my take home bags in upcoming posts.
Dollar Store Name Badges!
Hello! Today I'd like to share an awesome idea for classroom nametags. I bought name badges at the dollar store, added some cute scrapbook paper and ribbon, and look at how cute they turned out! I am going to type my students' names on labels and stick them to the blue paper. I am hoping this will solve the problem of nametags that wear out quickly! Plus, these could be kept and used when there is a substitute teacher in the room. Thanks for looking! I am planning on sharing more photos of my classroom set up very soon! : P
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Kindergarten Classroom set up photos
Hello! It's hard to believe we'll heading back to school soon. Here are a few photos of my room "before." During the next few days and weeks, I will finish setting up learning center areas and update you on what the room looks like "after." The photos are: writing/listening center, reading area, and dramatic play area. I have a lot of work to do! I have been inspired by other teachers who share their classrooms online--what a great way to get new ideas! I hope you will find some useful ideas as you watch my classroom come to life. : ) Enjoy and happy school year!!